How long are shipping times?
Your products will usually ship within one to five days of your order, and then take up to two weeks to reach your doorstep if fulfilled from a US based warehouse. Each product at HighCastle Foundry has an estimated delivery time that you can find in the product description.

Because of fluctuating supply levels, we offer some items fulfilled from overseas suppliers when the US supply levels are depleted. In this case, it may take several weeks depending on multiple factors (demand, energy cost fluctuations, etc.). We prefer to fulfill from US-based warehouses, but this may not always be an option for certain items. Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. 
What's your return policy?
Instead of returning items, you can contact us for a full refund. Why? Returns run counter to our emphasis on sustainability: every return has a carbon footprint. So just tell us what went wrong, send along a pic, and we’ll give you your money back in full. Then, if possible, you can donate your product to a local charity or recycle it.
Can I cancel my order?
Cancellations are possible if you do not receive your package within the timeframe specified for each individual product. Sometimes orders get sent out before we can process the cancellation. So if you cancel your order but still receive the package, then please go ahead and do one of three things: recycle it, donate it, or enjoy it.
What happens if I receive the wrong item?
If there’s an issue with your order -- if it’s the wrong size, wrong color, defective, or otherwise not exactly what you wanted -- then simply notify us, and we’ll give you a refund. You won’t be asked to ship the product back to us.
Do you offer exchanges?
We do not offer exchanges. However, if for any reason you didn’t get the exact product you expected, just let us know and we’ll find a solution, including just refunding your money. 

Why are some products out of stock?
We source products from multiple suppliers, sometimes with warehouses in the US, sometimes overseas. Fluctuating product levels are affected by multiple factors - production levels, shipping availability/delays, demand, etc. We strive to only feature items that are readily available in adequate supply levels, but these factors are constantly in flux. If an item has been out of stock for an extended period of time, we'll likely remove it from the site entirely. 

Why are some collections so limited?

We are constantly adding new products and updating our site accordingly. We plan to continuously expand our style and genre choices going forward and this will be guided by our customers desires! More opportunities for everyone to geek out about the stuff they love. Our wizards are hard at work finding just the right enchantments to open the necessary portals and make these products available to you.