About Us

Welcome to the HighCastle Foundry! We aim to provide our customers with high quality clothing, jewelry, and accessories that fit their lifestyle and budget. We have a preference for the geeky and irreverent. We're so glad you found us!



Now, before you proceed further, the most important question is:

The Wheel of Time or A Song of Ice and Fire?

Whoa, we kid we kid. Our archivist has weighed in and deemed the question invalid. The correct answer is whatever butters your lembas. We're equal opportunity geeks here, so you do you. May the Force Make It So.

(We know our references date us and we're okay with it.)


Why Choose the HighCastle Foundry?

Perched atop a towering peak in the mercantile mountains, the HighCastle Foundry is where your quest ends. Claim the treasure sought by heroes and adventurers through the ages. (if they were seeking some mixture of geeky, irreverent, or fashionable clothing, accessories, and print-on-demand items).

(SPOILERS) - don't kill the messenger, but there isn't a physical castle. We know, it's disappointing and is clashing hard with our head canon too. Full disclosure, we're an online store so use your imagination. The owner occasionally cosplays as a wizard and insists he's the Mage Lord of HighCastle. I mean, we can't prove he isn't.  

 P.S. - Hello, this p.s. is brought to you by the RAD (responsible adult department) of HighCastle. Let us reassure you that we're 100% committed to delivering great products and service to our customers. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us.